Ideas are dreams conceived, bold yet realistic people who are at the center of creation sized projects and communicate within the entire company.

Francisco Lucas LucasCorp

People are at the center of creation. The companies composing the dream and manage people . Why the same company, different people get different results? Why do the same people in different companies, the same results?

The manifestation of strategic thinking, without borders, with perseverance, dedication, knows seemingly unrelated respond to large, uncertain matters, once developed, manifest as new opportunities to produce new and better results. 

People today beyond their training, their IQ require their good practice and application, require a solid construction values ​​to take on challenges and responsibilities with a different view, should be critical permanently to find the improvement dial the difference.

They must "see" beyond the obvious and explicit, able to influence and mobilization and this requires a personal balance and spiritual optimism emanating from our deepest values.